Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Everyone's Favorite Milestone

Yeah Right, You Try Swaddling Me, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

So what if 4-1/2 days old is too young to smile? It's after midnight and we're all kinda punchy here. But today was a banner day, my friends. The parents worried and called the doctor because I hadn't pooped since before leaving the hospital. Lo and behold, I produced tonight. Plenty. And then I had a bath and got a new swaddling blanket that just might defeat my Houdini abilities.

1 comment:

JoSco said...

Congratulations on the big poop! You're very alert, cuz, for such a newbie - I can see you will be a very good student. When I see you this fall, we'll work on Joey's 101: Getting into places you don't belong... and if you're a quick study, will work on 102: Clapping and sticking your tongue out (I just learned those this week).