Thursday, November 19, 2009

BathTime (Maile at 3 months)

BathTime (Maile at 3 months), originally uploaded by Matubrew.

see.... Maile has nothin' on me in terms of hair! Though I think she could take me in a wrestling match!

Smiley Bria (3 months)

Smiley Bria (3 months), originally uploaded by Matubrew.

Well, we've made it to 3 months! I can smile, I can grab small objects, and I still have a head of hair... in case you were keeping score at home, big sis was still pretty bald at 3 months :)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Happy birthday LaLa

DSC_0020, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

Yeah! It was LaLa's birthday while she was here visiting us, and TuTu Kerri came over to have cake and a tea party with us!

LaLa comes to visit!

DSC_0011, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

We had such a nice time with LaLa!!! Can't wait 'til we see her again!