Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Was sat?

Was sat?, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

Is that a big goat??? I want a ride!

My goat friend...

My goat friend..., originally uploaded by Matubrew.

Ooooo, the goats were my BFFs! I'm still talking about them days later...baby goats are the best! The pony was just "OK", but I know what I'm ask'n for my birthday!!!

baby duck!

baby duck!, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

Finally, I get to touch the duckie!!!

My Ducks! mine!

My Ducks! mine!, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

We visited the Winterpast farm. It was the best ever!!! I LOVED to chase the baby ducks! Man, are they fast!

Blurry in Philly

DSC_0089, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

We took a quick trip to Philly and Easton, PA! Mostly I just got to stay up late! fun times!