Friday, December 26, 2008

Maggie gives me a big wet one!

Maggie gives me a big wet one!, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

We had 6 little girls in the house this morning, and Niels. Maggie decided to show me how much she likes me! I wasn't so sure about it though...

Lily playing in my box-house!

Lily playing in my box-house!, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

This morning we had a fun play date with some of momma's friends from high school! Here's Lily stealing some fun time in my new house!

Sittin' in my chair

Sittin' in my chair, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

Everyone keeps trying to get me to sit in this rocking chair... I finally obliged! But only after stealing Uncle JoeB's chocolates!

Xmas morning!!!

Xmas morning 2, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

Yeah! It's Christmas morning, and that means... PRESENTS for me! Here's my new kitty!

Twas the night before...2008

Twas the night before...2008, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

This was my 2nd go at our traditional Xmas Eve reading, and my little cuz' Niels first go. This year we managed to get everyone in the house in the photo!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Cousins Hangin' Out

Cousins Hangin' Out, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

I hear this photo has already made it to press on my cuz's blog, but I thought it should be on mine too! Aren't we cute?

Look, it's the Christmas Frog!

Look, it's the Christmas Frog!, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

It's the lesser known of Santa's Little Helpers, the Christmas Frog! Both Niels and I thought he was really cool!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Aloha Maile

Aloha Maile, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

I know I won't be in Hawaii until August, but I couldn't wait to show off my Aloha pants and shirt!

Maile and GrandSmad

Maile and GrandSmad, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

I had such a great time with Grandpa Smad on his visit here! I can't wait to see him in St. Louis!

Momma and me on Safari

Momma and me on Safari, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

So apparently there are lions in North Carolina! Who knew??

I can use as spoon! (part 2)

I can use as spoon! (part 2), originally uploaded by Matubrew.

Just showin' off my new skills! I'm a professional spoon user now!