Sunday, November 25, 2007

Nancy, Lisa, Dave and Maile

Nancy, Lisa, Dave and Maile, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

2 Matuses, a Matus Grossman, and a Matubrew

G-pa Bernie and Maile

G-pa Bernie and Maile, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

Hanging out with Grandpa B

G-ma Nancy and Maile

G-ma Nancy and Maile, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

I like Grandma!!! She pays lots of attention to me!

G-ma and pa with the grandchildren

F1 meets F3

Friday, November 23, 2007


BathTime.jpg, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

This one is for Robert! ME and the duckies hangin' out in the bath!

Pau with walk

PB230018.JPG, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

We're all done with the walk!

Taking a walk with the whole crew!

PB230012.JPG, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

Today we hit the Great American Tobacco Trail for a little walk in the cold. My cousin Joey is cool... he can crawl around and even walk a little bit. I was stuck in my ride... again...

Uncle JoeB and me!

DSC01080.JPG, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

Everyone seems to like putting their lips on my head. Maybe this is a Thanksgiving Tradition?

Hello G-smad

DSC01079.JPG, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

I FINALLY got to meet Grandpa Smad (G-Smad for short). He's funny looking!

Good Morning World!

I, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Pretty Rocks!

Pretty Rocks!, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

Another picture of me in NATURE... I'm not sure about this cold weather...

Auntie H, Momma, and Me

Auntie H, Momma, and Me, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

They stuck me in the contraption and took me for a walk! It was COLD, but there were lots of pretty things for me to look at.

Blue Ridge Parkway

Blue Ridge Parkway, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

Here's Momma and Auntie H at the Black Mountains Overlook. I was stuck in the car... again.

Blue Ridge Parkway

Blue Ridge Parkway, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

Here's a pretty picture of fall colors along the Blue Ridge Parkway in Western NC. I could see this from my car seat, but Daddy took the pictures.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Nature and my new jogger!

Nature and my new jogger!, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

Here we are, at the North Carolina Nature Center in Asheville. There were bears, and wolves, and deer, and all sorts of other critters, but I was just enjoying the view from my fancy new stroller!

Cracker Barrel Part Deux!

Cracker Barrel Part Deux!, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

Well since we decided to drive out to the mountains this weekend, we went to... wait for it... that's right, Cracker Barrel!!!

Mmmm.... donuts...

Mmmm.... donuts..., originally uploaded by Matubrew.

Mommy told me that these are good. When do I get to try them????

Loungin' with Auntie Heather

Loungin' with Auntie Heather, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

My Auntie Heather came to visit this weekend! YEAH!!!

Happy Birthday Aaron!

Happy Birthday Aaron!, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

Last weekend we had a belated b-day celebration for Uncle Aaron in Durham. I was extremely patient with everyone, letting them carry me around the restaurant, and walk me up and down the block.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


DSC01011.JPG, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

Happy Halloween everyone!! Mommy and Daddy wore aprons and dressed me in this ridiculous lobster outfit. I'm not sure what it all means... what do you think? We only had 3 trick 'or treaters at our first NC Halloween, hopefully next year will be better!

Maile's first Cracker Barrel Experience!

Well, this was the start of my first "road" trip (apparently the 5000 mile trip from Hawaii doesn't count!). We went to IKEA to buy me some Swedish furniture, which makes sense, since I am part Swedish.

Maile at the state fair!

Maile at the state fair!, originally uploaded by Matubrew.

2 weekends ago they took me to the state fair. There were all sorts of farm animals. I'm sure it was very interesting... maybe next year I'll be awake for more of it!